Reasons to Look Forward to Root Canal Therapy

When you’ve been told that your tooth needs root canal therapy because it’s severely infected, excitement might not be the first thing you experience. In fact, the pain of your currently infected tooth might not leave room for you to feel much of anything else. Fortunately, today’s root canal treatment can offer a wealth of benefits for your long-term oral health, not the least of which is relief from your intense tooth discomfort. At our Mansfield, TX, dental office, we can restore your tooth’s health and more with highly customized root canal therapy, giving you plenty of reasons to look forward to completing your treatment. (more…)

Preserving Your Smile With Dental Extractions

Dental professionals strive to help patients enjoy optimal oral health, preserving their natural teeth. However, sometimes preserving your smile’s health means actually removing a tooth. When does a tooth need removal and what should our Mansfield, TX, patients expect from the extraction process? Can we replace the teeth we remove? Let’s talk about this restorative treatment in today’s blog.


What to Expect from Life with Dental Implants

After losing one or more teeth, life changes in certain ways. Until you replace them, your missing teeth will have tangible effects on everything from your smile’s appearance to the way you bite, chew, and enunciate your words. At our Mansfield, TX, dental office, we help many tooth loss patients regain a higher quality of life with dental implants, which are biocompatible posts that we utilize to replace lost teeth roots. The posts allow us to not only rebuild your smile’s appearance and address the results of tooth loss, but also offer unmatched comfort and support for your replacement teeth. (more…)

Dentures Restore Lost Teeth

When you lose a single tooth, then we may recommend a bridge to restore your smile. But what if residents of Mansfield, TX, suffer from several lost teeth, possibly even all of them? In order to help our patients, we will provide a custom-made denture to address tooth loss and help them enjoy a healthy and functional smile, one that will look completely natural!


Why Tooth Fillings Will Always Be Popular

Today’s dental treatments have become so advanced that they can address virtually any dental health issue you may face in your lifetime. For many people, the most common of those issues is cavities, which develop in teeth as a result of excessive plaque and tartar buildup. Because they occur so often, addressing cavities is one of the more frequent types of dental treatments performed, and tooth fillings have long been the preferred method of doing so. At our Mansfield, TX, dental office, patients continue to benefit from modern tooth fillings not only to fix their cavities, but also to help improve the appearance of their cavity-stricken tooth. (more…)

Knowing if a Dental Crown Is Your Best Option

Many of today’s most popular dental treatments are simply modern variations of age-old solutions. Dental crowns are such a treatment, and have consistently remained a go-to solution for a wide range of concerns, such as cracked, broken, or malformed teeth. Since they were first created, though, dental crowns have undergone several important evolutions, and other solutions have been developed to address more minor issues in a minimally invasive fashion. At our Mansfield, TX, dental office, we know that a custom-designed crown is the best option for many patients who need to restore a tooth. However, we also know that you may benefit more from a different option, and will help you determine which is the more appropriate treatment before recommending one. (more…)

If You Have a Snoring Problem, We Can Help

The biggest problem with snoring is often the complaints that you might get from your sleeping partner. Even if you sleep through it, the noise can make it much more difficult for everyone else. However, there’s more to snoring than just noise, and even if it seems minor in the moment, the cause and consequences of it could have significant impacts on your health and wellbeing. Fortunately, finding a solution to the problem may be simpler than you realize. At our Mansfield, TX, dental office, we may be able to help you stop snoring with the help of a custom-designed sleep appliance. (more…)

Why Bother With A Dental Filling?

It can be pretty disappointing to hear from your dentist that you need a dental filling, right? Especially if you know that you are doing your best to protect your smile from tooth decay. The good news about being told that you need a dental filling is that it means the decay is still in an early enough stage that your tooth can be saved. However, it is important that you heed the recommendation to get the filling. Ignoring tooth decay can result in needing a root canal treatment or worse, a necessary dental extraction. Your dental team in Mansfield, TX can help you decide the best course of action for your smile’s health.  (more…)