Dental Crowns Offer Protection For Weakened Teeth

Mansfield, TX, dentist offers dental crowns

The team at Mansfield Dental in Mansfield, TX, has several restorative options if your teeth have been damaged from decay or injuries. A simple dental filling could help stop a cavity from worsening, or dental implants can be used to replace your missing pearly whites. If you have damaged a tooth, we may be able to repair and protect it with the help of a dental crown. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about how this treatment option could help you.


Treating Severe Tooth Decay With A Root Canal

Mansfield, TX, dentist offers root canals for patients

In a recent blog, we talked about why one of your pearly whites may need to be removed. One major reason that an extraction may be necessary is if you have a severe cavity. While decay can often be treated with a simple dental filling, untreated decay can call for more invasive treatments. Before considering removing the structure, your dentist may recommend a root canal is done to treat the cavity and relieve your symptoms. Your Mansfield, TX, dentist is here today to talk about this endodontic procedure.


Oral Health Plays A Role In Your Sleep

sleep disorder mansfield tx oral healthHave you noticed that you are waking up with a sore jaw or throat? It could be a sign that the quality of your sleep is not at the level that you need it to be. Two of the five most common sleep disorders relate to oral health, and these can pose significant problems both in the short and long term. The first of these is known as chronic obstructive sleep apnea, which can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and more if left untreated. Bruxism is the other common sleep disorder related to oral health, and this activity can wear down your enamel and shift the location of your teeth.

At Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, we know the value of a quality night of rest. We also understand that finding a comfortable and convenient sleep disorder therapy can make all the difference in your ability to stay compliant with your treatment. Oral appliance therapy can be successful for those with either obstructive sleep apnea or chronic sleep bruxism, using a simple BPA-free device to address your concern. To find out more about the advantages of oral appliances for bruxism or sleep apnea, call our office today and schedule a time to talk.


Renew Your Smile With Restorative Dentistry

damaged your smile? talk to our team about how to renew your smile with a dental crown mansfield txCracking or breaking a tooth can take you by surprise, and in these instances, it is important to know where to turn. If you wait to speak with someone, your smile could start to deteriorate due to a bacterial infection; your dentist can help you to understand what has happened, as well as your options in treatment. Once a break has happened, you need the help of a trusted dental professional, so call your provider and ask about ways to renew your smile after experiencing dental damage.

With our team at Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, you have an office that is ready to help you reinvigorate your smile with restoration. For those with cracked or broken teeth, this can mean the placement of a durable new dental crown, and we have options that can blend in with the shade of your natural enamel. Making an appointment for an examination is your first step, so when it is time to talk about teeth, give us a call to schedule a discussion!


Had Your Biannual Cleaning And Checkup Yet?

biannual cleaning mansfield txMost people need to see the dentist twice each year for a diligent cleaning of the surface of their teeth, imagery, and a visual examination of the structures of the mouth. This means that if you have not been into the office for a visit yet this year, it is time for your biannual cleaning and checkup with a trusted local dental provider. We understand that time can get the best of us all, so we are here to remind you that focusing on your dental maintenance is an important part of your oral health.

With our team of dental professionals at Mansfield Dental Associates, you have the opportunity to make your way back to a positive pathway through consistent preventive care. Your biannual cleanings and checkups are crucial to achieving smile success, so if you have been putting them off, now is your chance to make a change. To find out more about the benefits of your dental examinations and cleanings, give us a call today; while you’re with us, schedule your next appointment!


Whiten Your Teeth With A Professional

whiten your teeth mansfield txDo you wish that you had a better, more attractive looking smile? Nearly everyone has something that they would like to improve about themselves, and talking with your dentist is a great first step. If you are looking to whiten your teeth, meeting with a trusted oral health professional can help you to understand the causes of your condition, and they can also give you an idea of available courses of treatment.

At Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, we know the power that comes with a self-confident smile. Our office gives our patients a choice in their care between a convenient at-home teeth whitening treatment and a speedy in-office solution, and we can help you to know the advantages of each. Before you reach for a supermarket whitening product, talk to our team about your options. To schedule an appointment for cosmetic teeth whitening in North Texas, give us a call today!


Three Reasons A Tooth May Need To Be Removed

Mansfield, TX, dentist offers tooth extractions Your dentist’s top priority is to keep your smile healthy for as long as possible. When you have cavities or injuries, they can often restore the area with necessary treatments. In some cases, though, removing one of your pearly whites may be the best way to maintain your oral health. Mansfield Dental in Mansfield, TX, is here today to explain when this might be necessary.


Are Snoring And Sleep Apnea The Same Thing?

Mansfield, TX, dentist offers treatment for snoring and sleep apnea

If you frequently snore, it could be causing several frustrating side effects. You may feel tired, even after a full night’s rest. This fatigue can make you feel easily irritable or anxious. It’s possible that your spouse or other family members’ rest is being affected by this problem too. Your Mansfield, TX, dental team can help discover the root cause of your snoring and treat it so you can catch better Zs.
