Replacing a missing tooth as an adult is important for your oral health. A missing tooth limits your ability to bite and chew. If it is a tooth in a visible part of your smile, a missing tooth can create a void in your appearance. Losing a permanent tooth as an adult also comes with the risk of bone loss. A tooth that is lost can contribute to the loss of bone density in your jawbone. This bone loss can put your remaining teeth in danger of shifting or loss. A dental implant can stabilize a tooth’s replacement and it can reduce your risk of bone loss. (more…)
Keeping Healthy Smiles This Halloween
The Halloween candy aisles have been filling the grocery stores since September. This week, your children are probably bringing home lots of candy from school. You might even be running into big bowls of candy in the office. With all this candy around, how do you keep yours and your family’s smiles healthy? How do you keep all the tricks from becoming tricks on your teeth? Depriving yourself and your family usually results in overindulgence. Moderation is a key part of keeping your smile healthy in the face of all this sugar. We have compiled a few other tips to help you keep healthy smiles this Halloween. (more…)
Mansfield Event: Boo Bash
Looking for another safe way to celebrate Halloween with the kiddos? The Mansfield Activities Center is throwing a Boo Bash! The event will be a carnival-style night of candy, games, snacks, and crafts. The event is designed for children ages 2 to 6 years old, but children of all ages are absolutely welcome. Children must have an accompanying parent to attend the event. Any children under the age of two years old must pre-register for safety reasons. Along with carnival style games, the Boo Bash will include festive activities like bobbing for apples and s’mores. The Boo Bash is held the Friday evening before Halloween, which is on Tuesday this year. (more…)
Why Do I Need A Tooth Extraction?
A tooth extraction is a procedure where your dentist removes your tooth from your mouth. During an extraction, the tooth and its roots will be permanently extracted from the bone. A dental extraction is a last resort for your dentist, and it is a procedure not performed unless it is absolutely necessary to protect your health. An extraction may be necessary if there are complications with a wisdom tooth, extensive damage or decay, overcrowding, or severe infection. Depending on your specific situation and the location of your tooth, the procedure can be simply done in the dentist’s chair or it can be a more complex surgical procedure. (more…)
Should I Be Afraid Of Root Canal Therapy?
The short answer is no, you should not be afraid of root canal therapy. Modern technology has made it so that root canal therapy is often less painful than the toothache that you are experiencing that makes the root canal therapy necessary. While relieving your pain, root canal therapy can often save your tooth from a necessary extraction. If your dentist gives you the news that you will be needing a root canal treatment, do not fret. Take a deep breath, ask any questions that you need to, and relax. (more…)
Is It Snoring Or Sleep Apnea?
In cartoons, snoring can be a comical way to signal that someone is in the middle of some deep sleep. In real life, snoring can be a signal of a serious sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). But how do you know when your snoring is just simple snoring or if it is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong? Aside from being an annoying burden on your partner or loved ones, snoring can be a signal of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can increase your risks of serious health complications like high blood pressure or heart disease. Your dentist can help you treat OSA, which can lower your risk of developing serious complications. Treatment can also help you and your family get the restful sleep you need. (more…)
Problems Caused By Grinding Your Teeth
Do you grind your teeth? Maybe you notice that you wake up with headaches or a sore jaw. Perhaps you find during the day that you are clenching your jaw more often than not. Do you suffer from teeth sensitivity to cold foods? Maybe you find yourself getting a lot of cavities despite having good oral hygiene. These are some signs that you may be grinding your teeth while you sleep. Grinding your teeth is a common sleep disorder known as bruxism. It can cause numerous problems for your oral health. (more…)
Protecting Teeth With Sealants
Have you heard of dental sealants? If you have heard of them, do you believe them to be only for children? Dental sealants are a plastic material used to protect your teeth against harmful bacteria, plaque, and tartar. While sealants are a common tool used to protect the teeth of children, they can and are used to protect the teeth of adults, as well. Some adults have a higher risk of developing cavities; sealants can help to reduce this risk. Especially as we enter autumn and winter, seasons filled with sugary treats, it is important to think about every way you can protect the smiles of yourself and your families. (more…)
The Importance Of Regular Dental Visits
Have you ever left the ‘check engine’ light on your car too long? Maybe it popped up, you ignored it, and then found yourself with a costly repair bill when you finally could ignore it no longer. Regular dental visits is akin to regular oil changes with your car. If you wait for the ‘check engine’ light to come on or if you wait for a toothache to happen, you have missed your opportunity to deal with something early on. Regular visits with your dentist are essential to your oral health and preventing major problems. (more…)
Can Professional Whitening Remove Any Stain?
Depending on your budget, time frame, and whitening goals, a professional whitening treatment may be the best option for you. Your dentist can set you up with a custom-made kit that includes a mouth tray designed by the exact shape of your teeth and professional whitening gel. Your dentist could also whiten your teeth in one visit to the office; your teeth can get up to ten shades whiter in just one appointment. Professional whitening is a great way to get fast results safely with your dentist monitoring potential pain or sensitivity sometimes associated with whitening treatments. Unfortunately, there are certain stains that may not be removed even with a professional whitening treatment. (more…)
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