When you are not getting adequate rest at night, you can experience several problems for your overall well-being. You may notice that you are more tired throughout the day, easily irritable, or have trouble concentrating on tasks. These symptoms can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you are unsure of the cause. In some cases, your poor rest could be due to a sleep disorder. Your Mansfield, TX, dental team could help treat these problems with the help of an oral appliance.
Don’t Ignore Chronic Snoring
Chronic snoring is a common indicator of obstructive sleep apnea. It can be difficult to tell if you snore at night or have trouble sleeping, because it happens while you are unaware. If your spouse or other family member has told you that your snoring is keeping them up at night, it may be time to seek professional treatment. Ignoring this problem can lead to worsening symptoms and sleep disruption for yourself and your spouse, which can take a serious toll on your overall wellbeing. In addition to the physical and emotional side effects, snoring can also harm your oral health. When you snore, you tend to breathe with your mouth open which can lead to dry mouth. This can increase your risk of cavities and gingivitis, which will require restorative treatments in the future.
Common Symptoms Of OSA
OSA is a disorder that causes you to periodically stop breathing throughout the night because your airways collapse. This condition can be worrisome because it happens when you are asleep and can be difficult to diagnose. If you experience a combination of symptoms such as loud, chronic snoring, fatigue throughout the day, or difficulty falling asleep, it could be a sign of OSA. Your dentist could help diagnose the condition by evaluating your sleep habits and performing a visual examination.
How An Oral Appliance Could Help
Many patients who experience these disorders may benefit from oral appliance therapy. This device fits like a mouthguard and is worn at night to keep your airways open and jaw in place. Unlike a CPAP machine that may be used for OSA, your oral appliance comfortably fits to your smile and does not require a mask to keep continuous airflow. The appliance may also help patients who have conditions such as TMJ or bruxism. For patients with TMJ, the device can help keep your jaw in place so your joints can properly rest at night. The guard can also help prevent symptoms of bruxism by protecting your teeth from grinding against each other.
Talk To Our Team To Learn More
If you or a loved one snore frequently, our team may be able to help. Learn more about treatment for snoring and OSA by calling Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, today at 817-473-6227 today.
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