Missing teeth can dramatically affect your life. You may think missing teeth only impact the beauty of your smile but missing teeth also impact the function of your mouth: You don’t eat, chew or speak as well when there are gaps in your grin from lost or extracted teeth. Get your life back with dental restorations: Restorative dentistry prosthetics and procedures, such as dental implants, bridges, and dentures, restore the wholeness of your mouth so you can eat and speak properly without the risk of damage to your remaining natural teeth. (more…)
How to Encourage Kids’ Healthy Dental Habits
One of the best tests of how well you have taught your children about their dental health is how they act when they are away from home and you’re not around to guide the way. With back-to-school in full swing, kids are now on their own at school for most of the day. Are they making healthy choices for their teeth? Here’s how to encourage kids’ healthy dental habits while they’re away from home: provide the tools to make good choices, lead by example, and guide them when you can. (more…)
Mansfield Library Monthly Book Club
When was the last time you read a great book and indulged in intellectual conversation about the text after reading? For many of us, it can be tough to make the time to find a good book and read it, much less find a friend to discuss it afterward, which is why the Mansfield Public Library’s monthly As the Page Turns Book Club for adults is a great community event. Each month you’ll read a carefully selected book and enjoy engaging conversation with fellow bookworms. (more…)
Do You Floss? 1 in 4 Lie About Flossing
It’s time to ‘fess up: Do you floss your teeth every day? More than 1 in 4 American adults lie to their dentists about how often they floss their teeth, according to a new national survey. Daily flossing is one of the best steps you can take to prevent gum disease, which is why it is alarming that many adults are failing to meet the recommended amount of flossing — and they’re lying about it to their dentists. Start your daily flossing routine and protect your gums from disease in a just a minute or two per day. (more…)
How Your Diet Affects Your Teeth & Gums
You may value healthy eating to stay slim and remain in good health. But have you considered how your diet affects your teeth and gums, too? What you eat and drink impacts more than just your waistline: Your oral health is directly affected by your diet, especially if you favor foods and beverages high in sugar and carbohydrates. Tooth decay, tooth staining, and tooth sensitivity can also be caused by dietary choices. To keep your teeth and gums feeling and looking great, think twice about your meal plan. (more…)
5 Steps You Must Do for Healthy Teeth & Gums
Good oral health is a gateway to good health for the rest of your body, which is why it’s so important to take oral healthcare seriously. Dental disease that begins in your mouth that cause a series of side effects and negative health conditions throughout your body. The good news? Keeping your mouth healthy is fairly easy! There are essential steps you must do for healthy teeth and gums, all of which are simple, accessible, and a relatively low investment of time and money. (more…)
Mansfield 125 Community Celebration
All year long our city of Mansfield, TX, has been celebrating a special milestone: 125 years as an incorporated city! What began as a humble outpost for Native Americans of varying tribal background has grown into the vibrant community we know and love today. The official anniversary of the day Mansfield became an incorporated city is August 23, and the city’s local history museum and heritage center is celebrating the anniversary this week with a birthday party community event on August 21 and 22. (more…)
Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth
If you have one or more missing teeth, you may have considered seeking dental treatment to fill the voids in your mouth. What is holding you back from restoring your smile? There are several restorative dentistry options for missing teeth replacement, and they benefit your overall dental health. There are many reasons why you should replace missing teeth: Not only do replacements restore the beauty of your smile, but missing-teeth replacements also restore the function of your teeth and improve the well-being of your remaining natural teeth. (more…)
When Was Your Last Dental Checkup?
It’s important to make dental visits a priority for the sake of your oral health. When was your last dental checkup? If you can’t remember then it has been too long! You could be missing out on early detection of dental disease or allowing hardened tartar to build up in excess if you have skipped the recommended dental cleaning and checkup appointments every six months. Visiting the dentist twice a year isn’t too much to ask: Just a couple of hours in a single year could mean the difference between advancing dental disease and a clean bill of dental health. (more…)
5 Treatments to Improve Your Smile
Your smile is often the first thing others notice about you. Is your smile making a good first impression? You can boost your confidence and comfort with cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry treatments to improve your smile. With many options, ranging from one-visit enhancements to complete smile makeovers, there is a treatment option for all patients who want to improve the appearance of their teeth. Beyond superficial concerns, repairing damaged teeth or replacing missing teeth also improves the function of your smile for better quality of life. (more…)
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