Can Aging Affect Your Dental Health?

Your oral hygiene regimen has not changed, so why does it seem like you have more problems with dental decay now than you used to? Several factors can affect a person’s relative cavity risk. Over time, different issues like friction from biting and chewing, your diet choices, and even your approach to brushing can cause enamel erosion that makes you more vulnerable to decay. Smart habits and regular preventive appointments can help you avoid problems over time. Make sure you take your oral health seriously now, as doing so can make you less vulnerable to problems later. One way you can do this is to schedule regular dental exams. Our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office can keep you updated about changes to your smile, provide cleanings that lower your risk for cavities and gum disease, and answer questions you have about aging – and other factors – that will affect your risk for dental problems. (more…)

How Implant Dentistry Affects Your Diet Options

Tooth loss can limit your diet, as it can take away your ability to confidently bite and chew different foods that you previously enjoyed. Losing more teeth will have a larger impact on your dental function, but just one absence can cause lasting difficulties. Fortunately, you can receive a lifelike restoration that remains fixed in place thanks to a dental implant, an artificial root that effectively anchors your prosthetic to your jawbone. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can meet with you to discuss the advantages of this treatment approach. We use advanced imaging technology to assist with planning, which ensures that patients receive implant posts in the right spaces and angles to provide lasting stability and oral health benefits. (more…)

What Patients Gain From Porcelain Veneers

Are you eager to show off a better smile? Are you interested in what you can do to address specific flaws, or correct larger problems with your appearance? The right procedure can actually take on more than one problem that you have with the way you look. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can recommend treatment with porcelain veneers to help patients who have ambitious smile improvement goals. With these custom restorations, we can cover up problems with dental damage, concerns about the shape and size of teeth, and even hide difficult-to-address issues with discoloration! We should note that this is one of several cosmetic dental procedures, and that we can help you identify the procedure that is best suited to address your overall concerns. (more…)

When Root Canal Therapy Is Recommended

If you have a cavity, restorative dental work will be required to return your tooth to good health. With that said, the type of care you require can actually change. If you act in time, you can have your tooth restored before you need anything more than a dental filling. People who do not arrange cavity care until they experience worrying discomfort can learn that they need root canal therapy. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we will work with you to make sure problems are addressed as soon as possible in order to prevent complications. However, if an issue does call for this service, we can take care to fully resolve problems with the health of your tooth to stop pain and the spread of decay. (more…)

How A Crown Restores A Cracked Tooth

It may be strong, but dental enamel is not indestructible, something you may be unlucky enough to learn the hard way if you crack a tooth. After this happens, you should make oral health care a priority. At our Mansfield, TX dental practice, we can meet with you to provide a permanent restoration to keep your tooth safe, prevent complications, and preserve your bite function. We can do this with a custom dental crown, a restoration that covers the tooth above your gum line. When providing a crown, it is important that we carefully measure a tooth so that your treatment provides lasting value without affecting neighboring teeth, which is why we take care to collect information to provide personalized care. (more…)

How Fillings Give Lasting Tooth Support

When efforts to prevent cavities are effective, you avoid problems that do permanent harm to your teeth. Unfortunately, even patients who commit to smart preventive care can experience trouble with tooth decay at least one time, which leads to the need for restorative treatment. One way to address a cavity is to provide a dental filling. This is a conservative treatment option, as it preserves your surrounding healthy enamel and only covers the area where a cavity formed. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide a custom filling that protects your tooth and preserves the way it looks. We can also provide ongoing support to help you avoid future difficulties with dental decay and other issues. (more…)

What Is Discussed At A Dental Exam?

If you are someone who does not see a dentist on a regular basis, you may be less clear on what an appointment should provide. During a routine checkup, you should receive feedback about potential cavity issues as well as any other problems that affect your dental health. You should also be able to look forward to treatment in the form of a dedicated teeth cleaning. Our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office is ready to help you keep your smile in good condition by providing regular exams and cleanings. We are also prepared to help if we observe any problems that might require additional support. (more…)

Fight Stains With A Whitening Treatment

Teeth stains can prove difficult to fight. While you efforts to prevent cavities and gum disease can also help you remove particles that stain teeth, you can have a tough time completely protecting your enamel against discoloration. Even with a store bought whitening kit, it may be difficult for you to address this problem in a way that satisfies you. Fortunately, your Mansfield, TX dentist is prepared to help. A custom whitening treatment, or an in-office procedure to fight stains, can give you exciting cosmetic improvements. Our practice can also work with you to address problems with discoloration caused by something other than stains. (more…)

How Implant Dentistry Restores Smiles

There are restorative procedures that can permanently replace teeth that are already lost, or teeth that need to be extracted. If you are someone who has an incomplete smile, you should know that implant dentistry makes it possible for you to enjoy support from prosthetic appliances that are permanently held in place. Implants act like artificial roots for the replacement teeth that close smile gaps. They offer functional support, and they also offer support to preserve your jawbone health and density. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we are ready to discuss the benefits of implant dentistry with you, and help you regain a truly healthy smile. (more…)

Scheduling Treatment For Dental Decay

If you have a problem with a cavity, it will be necessary for you to see your dentist for treatment. If you go without restorative work, your oral health can deteriorate, which can lead to complications from an infection, and may even lead to the loss of your tooth! The sooner you act and seek care for this problem, the less likely you are to have complications that change how you are treated. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can tend to problems with your tooth’s health and appearance when you have a cavity. In addition to removing decayed tissues and stopping the spread of decay, we can protect your enamel with a custom restoration that also preserves your smile! (more…)