When you feel less than thrilled to share your smile with the world, it can be hard for you to project confidence. This leads to both social and professional consequences, and it can a real drain on your self-esteem. What should you do about this issue? With the right treatment, you can make remarkable changes to the way you look while preserving more of your enamel. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide different cosmetic services that offer lasting benefits. For a more conservative approach that delivers prompt results, you can look into tooth bonging treatment, which can hide discoloration, damage, and other esthetic concerns in as little as one visit!

Tooth Bonding Treatment And Your Smile

While many people have some interest in cosmetic dentistry, their concerns can vary due to different flaws, and because some people have issues that are harder to ignore. A tooth bonding treatment is often an effective means of changing the way a person looks. Through this procedure, we can brighten teeth that look dull, address dental damage that has not been treated, and even close some small gaps between teeth. We make these changes without permanent restorations, which makes the procedure shorter and less involved than many people anticipate.

Arranging Your Bonding Treatment

We will carefully plan your tooth bonding treatment when we make plans to improve your smile. To make the right changes, your dentist will carefully apply a resin material to your enamel. The application process can change the shape of an uneven tooth, hide damage, or make changes to its color. It can even be effective at making a tooth appear larger than it did before. These changes help us achieve an overall goal, which is to make your smile more uniform, and to free you from concerns about visible flaws that have made you uncomfortable.

What Are My Other Treatment Options?

As you explore the benefits of different cosmetic dental services, you can find that something other than tooth bonding treatment is more appealing to you. While porcelain veneers have to be placed over two appointments, and while they require more changes to your enamel, they can offer more durable changes than tooth bonding treatments. If you want to leave the shape, size, and alignment of teeth alone, but are concerned about enamel stains, we can move forward with a whitening procedure.

Talk To Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About Tooth Bonding Treatment

Through tooth bonding procedures, we have helped many people who lacked confidence in the way they looked when they smiled. This procedure only requires conservative changes to your enamel, and it can be completed in as little as one procedure! If you would like to find out more, contact Mansfield Dental Associates at 817-473-6227!