Will Snoring Mean I Need Sleep Apnea Treatment?

We all snore occasionally, but if we do so nightly, this could not only drive our significant others crazy, but may also point to the presence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Treating OSA quickly means protecting you from serious complications, including poor cardiovascular health. In today’s blog, we’re looking at when our Mansfield, TX, patients should see us for treatment, and when snoring is considered a problem.


Try Our Take-Home Whitening Kit!

Over time, our diet and other habits could impact the brightness of our teeth. Soon, stains could develop that affect the beauty and brightness of our teeth. Fortunately, we have a unique option to remove stains and offer smiles several shades brighter for our Mansfield, TX, patients. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at our take-home kit and discuss changes to your daily habits to combat teeth stains.
