Arranging Services For Your Cavity

If you have no problems with your oral health, you can exit your dental exam with plans to return in six months and confidence in your smile. However, if a cavity is identified during an appointment, or if you come in for help with tooth pain caused by decay, the appropriate restorative dental work will have to take place to resolve the matter. Unfortunately, when cavities form, they do increasing harm to tooth structure until they undergo the appropriate treatment. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide this service, and we can make sure that your tooth is appropriately restored with a filling or crown to keep it safe and secure. (more…)

The Benefits Of A Whitening Treatment

How would you feel about showing off a whiter smile? Are you ready to take on teeth stains that have changed your appearance? With the help of your Mansfield, TX dentist, you can resolve problems with discoloration that have left you with concerns about the way you look. This can be a welcome solution, particularly for those who have tried to address this problem with store bought products that offer help with enamel stains. Your dentist can provide you with bleaching agents that are more effective at resolving problems with the color of your teeth. You can also look to us for help with other problems that affect the way you look when you smile. (more…)

Is Your Morning Pain Due To Bruxism?

Problems with bruxism can make your typical morning more difficult to enjoy. At first, people who start to deal with this problem can experience aches and pains in their face, jaw, and teeth. Over time, the friction from grinding and clenching can lead to problems with wear and tear on your enamel that will hurt your appearance, and can even hurt your oral health. Your Mansfield, TX dentist is prepared to help when bruxism begins to hurt your quality of life. The good news is that when this matter is dealt with in time, it can be resolved before you have problems with your smile that draw unwanted attention. (more…)

Should I Look Into Implant Dentistry?

If you have lost just one tooth, you can have problems with your smile and oral health that can feel unfixable. While you may have permanently lost that tooth, there are restorative procedures that can give you back your confidence in the way you look, and even in the way you bite and chew. Our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office is here to help you if you want to look into implant dentistry. Through this approach to prosthetic treatment, you can enjoy permanent stability for a restoration that will help improve your smile as well as your oral health. Over time, the presence of your implant can actually support your jaw health, as it can stimulate the bone and keep it from deteriorating. (more…)

Trusting A Crown To Cover A Chipped Tooth

Once your tooth is chipped, it can remain visibly flawed, and it can be vulnerable to further harm. In other words, this is a problem that you should not ignore! At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can make plans to effectively restore your injured tooth so that you no longer have to worry about its effect on your smile, or on its potential for suffering more damage. We can provide a custom dental crown that actually matches your enamel while providing the right support to make biting and chewing easier. When appropriate, we can also discuss treating dental injuries through more conservative cosmetic procedures. (more…)

How Veneers Change Smiles

Are you ready to make permanent changes to your smile? If you plan the right cosmetic procedure, you can make improvements by changing your smile color, hiding problems with the shape and condition of your enamel, and even by hiding problems with the way certain teeth are aligned. Your Mansfield, TX dentist can talk to you about using porcelain veneers to make your desired changes. Our goal during cosmetic treatment is to help you see your desired improvements so that you can show off stunning esthetic improvements. We can talk to you about using this or another service to make those desired changes possible, and to ensure that you see them as soon as possible. (more…)

How We Provide Fillings That Match Tooth Enamel

At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we welcome patients of all ages to see us for routine preventive services. One big benefit to doing so is a reduction in your cavity risk. Another is that when there are problems with your oral health, they can be identified and addressed promptly, which lowers your risk for complications. If we need to take care of your smile by addressing decay, we can do so with a custom dental filling that actually matches your enamel! Once in place, it will provide long-term support that sustains your appearance and also lets you preserve your natural bite function. (more…)

Replacing Teeth With Implant-Held Appliances

There can be be little difficulty in recognizing how tooth loss affects you. Over time, this is a problem that can rob you of confidence in your smile, and it can make it harder for you to maintain a bite function that is comfortable. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can recommend prosthetic dental work that will give you back your confidence in the way you look as well as restore your bite. Dental implants can provide meaningful support to custom restorations that close the gaps left by missing teeth. This arrangement makes it easier to support your bite health as it also gives you renewed confidence in the way you look. Over time, it can even help you maintain your health by preserving your jawbone density and well-being. (more…)

Why Tooth Pain May Call For A Root Canal

Is it time to start worrying about that aching tooth? When pain continues to make you uneasy, or if the discomfort is severe, you should not take the problem lightly. These are signs that you have an infection that will need to be addressed by your dentist. Others to watch out for include problems with swelling around the tooth and changes to its color. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide treatment to stop the problem from growing worse. Through root canal therapy, we can make sure the threat of infection is addressed, and we can restore the tooth so that you have no lingering issues with discomfort, limited bite function, or any other concerns. (more…)

3 Reasons To Choose Tooth Bonding Treatment

When you come to the conclusion that you want to undergo cosmetic treatment, you can talk with your Mansfield, TX dentist about what your goals are for smile improvement, as well as your concerns about what a procedure might entail. One of the services that you can explore is tooth bonding treatment, a conservative form of care that will provide a means of fixing concerns about tooth shape, size, and color! With this approach, we can finish work in less time, and we can give you the changes you want while preserving more of your natural tooth structure. (more…)