Unlike when we are children, when losing a tooth is a mark that you are growing up, losing a tooth as an adult is not something that signifies healthy growing; it is bad for your oral health and should be treated as a dental emergency. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentists will discuss the ways in which we can use advanced technology to restore a lost tooth.

Keep Calm

Losing a tooth can be a jarring experience, so it is important to remember that, when you are experiencing any kind of dental emergency, one of the most important things you can do is stay calm. From there, there are some easy steps you can take to handle your situation in a smart way:

  1. Make sure that you are not bleeding or otherwise injured, and tend to any bleeding or injuries first so that you can begin to heal.
  2. Locate your tooth that has fallen out and keep it safely in a food storage container filled with salt water or milk to keep it preserved. Remember to not remove any tissues from the tooth, as these may be necessary if the tooth is able to be re-inserted into your mouth.
  3. Call Mansfield Dental Associates to schedule an emergency appointment.

At the Appointment

At an emergency appointment, your dentist will take care to examine your mouth for any issues relating to your tooth loss, including infections, gum disease, tooth decay, and damage to any other teeth or parts of your mouth. From there, they may make an attempt to reattach your tooth, but only if it and the rest of your mouth is healthy enough for that option. In all other cases, and if reattachment doesn’t work, your dentist will talk with you about your best options for tooth restoration.

Tooth Restoration Options

Thanks to current technology, there are several great, lifelike options for tooth replacement, including:

  • A dental implant post to create a new tooth root, which would have a dental crown placed on top as a great solution to replace your entire tooth.
  • A dental bridge, which would replace your tooth (or perhaps a few in a row) by using the teeth on either side as anchors.
  • Dentures, which are a great, popular option for tooth replacement if you have lost all or most of your teeth and can be made even more secure by using dental implants.

Lost a Tooth? Call Us!

When you experience dental pain or trauma, including losing an adult tooth, you should call your dentist right away. At Mansfield Dental Associates, we are prepared to help you through any emergency dental situation, and well equipped to fully restore your smile. If you need to schedule an emergency appointment, call Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, at 817-473-6227.