Using A Lifelike Filling During Treatment

There are several benefits to maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. With that said, cavity prevention should stay a high priority for you when you think about the reasons to take good care of your smile. When a cavity forms, it does irreversible harm to your tooth structure. Because the portion of your enamel affected by decay is permanently lost, you will have to rely on the support of a restoration to keep your tooth safe and healthy. The good news is that with the right treatment approach, you can count on your tooth to remain healthy as well as attractive. Our Mansfield, TX dental office can help with this—when restoring a tooth with a dental filling, we can take care to provide treatment that preserves the look of your tooth. (more…)

Does Your Hygiene Routine Include Flossing?

When you take care of your teeth, are you really removing all of the oral bacteria present in your mouth? If you only rely on your toothbrush to take care of your smile, you can miss the harmful microbes and food debris that become trapped between teeth. Unfortunately, flossing is sometimes seen as an optional part of oral health care, or just a way to remove food particles that create discomfort. You should see it as a valuable part of your routine, as it can help you be more thorough with your preventive efforts. At our Mansfield, TX dental office, we can help you to keep up with good oral hygiene habits, and we can provide in-office support that lowers your risk for problems with decay and gingivitis. (more…)

Starting A Conservation About Dental Implants

Tooth loss creates more than one problem for a person who experiences it. Once a tooth is missing, your bite function can be changed in ways that make you vulnerable to TMJ problems and other oral health concerns. You also lose support for neighboring teeth, which can loosen over time and become lost themselves. You even need to worry about the health of your jawbone, as missing roots rob the bone of stimulation. Our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help you take on these different concerns. Through implant dentistry, we can provide restorations that are permanently secured and stable enough to give you back your confidence in your natural bite movement! (more…)

How Teeth Cleanings Help Your Smile

Is your smile really receiving the right degree of support? Are you leaving yourself vulnerable to problems with dental decay and gum disease due to shortcomings in your hygiene routine? It is important to remember that you are not the only person who can play a role in keeping your teeth clean. If you want to avoid difficulties with tooth decay and gum disease, make sure you regularly schedule dental exams and cleanings. At these appointments, your Mansfield, TX dentist’s office can help you stay on top of your smile care so that you have less to worry about when it comes to poor dental health. We can also use these appointments to provide reviews of your smile, which can lead to timely treatment for any problems that might demand restorative work. (more…)

Learning About Aligner Orthodontics

What can your dentist do to improve your smile? You may have more options than you realize when it comes to cosmetic work, including services that take on flaws linked to poor dental alignment. Poor teeth spacing can make many people less happy with how they look. Luckily, when you talk to your Mansfield, TX dentist about care with clear aligners. These appliances make orthodontic work discreet by using a series of removable, hard-to-see appliances that are custom-made for individual patients. By starting corrective work, you can put a stop to problems that have left you feeling self-conscious about how you look. We should note that our practice has several procedures that we offer, so we can take on additional cosmetic concerns. (more…)

Dental Bonding And Your Smile

Is your smile just not as attractive as you would like it to be? All it takes is one embarrassing problem with a tooth that is misshapen, discolored, or injured to become a distraction that lowers the quality of your smile and your overall appearance. Fortunately, the right cosmetic procedure can target these kinds of flaws while only requiring minimal changes to your enamel. Your Mansfield, TX dental practice can evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for dental bonding services. This approach to smile care does not require permanent restorations, which means you can see the results that you want with fewer permanent changes and in as little as one appointment! (more…)

Look Out For Symptoms Of TMD

When the symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) become a part of your daily life, it can be difficult to ignore them. Increased issues with headaches, problems with jaw stiffness and painful or limited movement, facial soreness, and trouble with teeth grinding can all affect you when you have this issue. Fortunately, this is a manageable problem. In fact, you can bring the matter up with your Mansfield, TX dentist to learn what your treatment options include. After an evaluation to confirm that this is a problem that you need to address, we can recommend appliance therapy to make improvements to your joint alignment and movement. We can also evaluate your teeth and oral structures to look for any problems that need to be addressed in order to improve your bite function. (more…)

Making Real Changes To Your Smile Color

You can safely expect to find products on grocery store and pharmacy shelves that offer help with dental discoloration. Unfortunately, people who use these products can feel let down by the lack of overall changes that they make. What can you do if you have more significant problems with enamel discoloration that you hope to treat? At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide several options for cosmetic dental work that can help you. There are different approaches to whitening treatments we can offer for those who want to fight enamel stains. Individuals who need to deal with intrinsic discoloration can discover what other cosmetic services are able to do to hide blemishes. (more…)

Smile Care That Dental Implants Make Possible

How much can a dentist really do for you after you lose teeth? A single gap in your smile can have a significant impact on your appearance, dental health, and bite function. If it is not addressed, these issues can worsen, and you can actually lose more teeth over time! Fortunately, with the right prosthetic treatment, you can make positive changes and address these issues. Our Mansfield, TX dental practice can recommend that you receive a restoration held in place with a dental implant. Through this arrangement, we can provide a prosthetic solution that makes positive changes to your dental function, appearance, ad overall oral health! (more…)

Making Sure Your Crown Protects Your Tooth

A dental crown needs to support you in several ways. It needs to provide long-term support, as a tooth is not able to naturally heal from a cavity or dental injury that makes restorative work necessary. It should also support your bite health, which means it needs to be both stable and secure. For dental work that concerns one of your front teeth, you can have an understandable interest in a restoration that actually imitates healthy enamel to preserve your appearance. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide restorations that address all of these concerns. Because of this, you can see the results that you want from treatment, and you can count on that support to last! (more…)