Pick Up These Good Brushing Habits For Yourself

We are already a couple of months into the new year. Have you kept up with your resolutions? If not, no worries. Nothing like the present time to make a new one. In fact, your Mansfield, TX, dentists suggest one. It involves your toothbrush. But wait, you say, I already have a toothbrush, and I brush my teeth regularly, just like Dr. Jones and Dr. Harris recommend. I even floss, you say. We are happy to hear that you are keeping up with good dental health habits! And with those good beginnings, we would like to offer you some more teeth-brushing tips that will help you have a wonderful rest of the year when it comes to your oral health.


How To Practice Good Dental Habits When You’re Sick

The winter season often brings with it snow and cold temperatures, depending on where you live. It is also the time when colds and cases of flu are at their peak. When you are sick, you may not feel up to brushing your teeth or maintaining your good oral habits. However, taking care of your teeth and mouth works hand in hand with taking care of your body properly. When you are under the weather, here are some things your Mansfield, TX, dentists recommend to help you keep up with your dental health.


Crowns Offer Solutions For Many Dental Situations

There may come a time in a patient’s life when they experience extensive tooth decay or trauma to a tooth. When something like this happens, though, your Mansfield, TX, dentists can offer a treatment that will save the tooth. It is called a dental crown, and dentists use them for such things as covering dental implants or a tooth that is discolored, protecting a weak tooth from future damage, and attaching bridges. Curious to learn more about them? We have you covered. 


How Dental Implants Help Maintain Your Health

Do you know how important your jawbone is to your overall health? Think about it. When you bite or chew, you do so with your teeth, which have roots. Those roots stimulate your jawbone, and this helps flow nutrients throughout your body. However, if you are like 200 million U.S. adults, you may be missing a tooth. So, you may be missing out on this stimulation your jawbone needs. This is where your Mansfield, TX, dentists can help by fitting you with a dental implant. Read more to find out what they are.


What’s The Deal With Dental Sealants?

Brushing. Flossing. Regular checkups and cleanings. We hear these terms a lot because they are great ways for people to maintain good oral health. But sometimes, these preventive practices need a boost, especially in children who may consume more sugar throughout the day. One way your Mansfield, TX, dentists help protect their teeth from cavities is with dental sealants. But they are not just for children. Patients with dry mouth issues or orthodontic treatments that make it hard to clean the teeth also qualify for them. What are they? Let us find out. 


Why An Oral Cancer Screening Is Important

Tooth decay, gum disease, cavities…these are all things we look for when you visit your Mansfield, TX, dentists for an exam. Catching them early helps prevent future issues from appearing. In addition to those, we also provide an oral cancer screening. Detecting it at an early stage will help us plan a proper treatment going forward. If it is not caught early, it could seriously risk your health. 


Is Your Snoring Keeping Others Up At Night?

Has a loved one ever said to you, “You kept me awake all night with your snoring!” If this is happening on a regular basis, you may be one of the 18 million Americans who suffer from sleep apnea. It is a disorder that causes breathing to be repeatedly interrupted while someone is asleep. This pause in breathing can lead to diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, low oxygen levels, and memory problems if not treated. Helping patients with chronic snoring is something that your Mansfield, TX, dentists can do by offering oral appliances to wear when they sleep.


What You Need To Know About Cavities

Imagine sitting in the dental chair. Maybe you are watching a video in front of or above you. Things are going along smoothly, and then you hear, “Looks like you have a cavity.” Perhaps you protest, “But doc, I haven’t had any pain in my teeth.” No pain, no cavity, though, is one of the many myths about them. They are natural and whether you get one when you are young or old, your Mansfield, TX, dentists can fill them and help prevent more in the future. For now, let’s get the lowdown on cavities.


Teeth Whitening Is Something To Smile About

It is the beginning of the new year, and you are looking to put your best face forward. One way you can do that with confidence is with a beautiful smile. Your Mansfield, TX, dentists offer several ways to achieve that, everything from porcelain veneers to crowns to dental implants. Today, though, we are going to focus on teeth whitening and how it can offer you the look you want when you smile. 


Using Technology To Achieve A More Beautiful Smile

A regular dental visit is more than just opening your mouth and having us look inside it. Sure, that’s a good start on a surface level. However, we want to provide you, and ourselves, a more detailed analysis of what’s happening with your oral health. That’s why your Mansfield, TX, dentists use a variety of digital technology to better understand what’s happening under the surface and to catch any issues early so that we can properly address them with the best treatments.
