My Tooth Continues To Hurt – Is It Infected?

A tooth that continues to throb with pain, or one that reacts badly to hot and cold temperatures, can start to make you uneasy. Persistent pain in any area of your body can be a concern. With that said, problems that affect your smile can be especially alarming because our teeth are limited in their ability to naturally recover from problems. You may be experiencing discomfort because the tooth in question has developed an infection. If this is the case, its condition can worsen until the tooth cannot be saved if you do not respond! Our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help patients restore unhealthy teeth so that something like an infection can be fully resolved. (more…)

How To Handle Adult Tooth Loss

Unlike when we are children, when losing a tooth is a mark that you are growing up, losing a tooth as an adult is not something that signifies healthy growing; it is bad for your oral health and should be treated as a dental emergency. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentists will discuss the ways in which we can use advanced technology to restore a lost tooth.


How To Care For A Broken Tooth

Experiencing a dental emergency like breaking a tooth can be extremely jarring. While it could result from several causes, it is important to know that there are steps you can take that will help in any form of this situation and give you the best chance at an easy recovery. So, in today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentists will explain the things you need to do, and what we can do for you, in these situations to keep your smiles healthy.


What Happens When I Have A Dental Emergency?

If something happens that negatively impacts your oral or dental health and the issue cannot or should not be put off until tomorrow, you may be having a dental emergency. However, it is sometimes difficult to figure out if your issue is really an emergency, or if you would be okay waiting it out. So, in today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentist will discuss what qualifies as needing emergency dentistry, and how we handle these cases in our office.


The Relationship Between Gum Disease And Stroke Risk

Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) is common among adults, with nearly half of American adults experiencing an advanced form called periodontitis and over half of all adults experiencing some form during their lifetimes. However, though it is common, it is not harmless, and can even lead to an increased risk for other health issues. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentists will share information about periodontal disease and its relationship to your risk of stroke.


3 Famous Female Dentists Who Paved The Way

We have reached the second week of March, which means we have also reached the second week of National Women’s History Month. At Mansfield Dental Associates, we believe we would be remiss to let this month pass by without giving thanks to some of the most important women in dental history. So, in today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentist will tell the stories of three significant women who have left a great and positive impact on dentistry as a whole.


Is It Normal To Have Sensitive Teeth?

Temperature sensitivity affects many people, and if you’ve ever flinched due to tooth pain or discomfort when biting into an ice pop or taking a sip of hot coffee, you are one of them! However, even though it affects a large amount of people, living with pain is never normal. At Mansfield Dental Associates, we want everyone to enjoy life (and food and beverages) without worrying about the pain associated with tooth sensitivity. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentists, Dr. Jones and Dr. Harris, will share some of the reasons your teeth may be sensitive, as well as the reasons why you should always talk with your dentist if you are experiencing discomfort associated with temperature.


Is A Tongue Scraper Beneficial?

Hygiene practices are constantly evolving, which is largely a good thing! However, sometimes when new products become popular, you may find yourself not knowing if they are truly as necessary and helpful as some people say they are. So, in today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentist will be discussing a tool that has been gaining popularity, the tongue scraper, and the potential benefits associated with scraping your tongue.


How Dental Implants And Restorations Work Together

If you have lost a tooth, you may feel ashamed or embarrassed by the gap in your smile. At Mansfield Dental Associates, we want everyone to be happy with their smile, and we have the solutions to make that possible. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentist will discuss the ways in which dental implants work together with restorations like dental crowns to completely replace your natural teeth, restoring your healthy, full smile.
