Category: Preventive Dentistry

5 Tips to Prevent Cavities

The crazy thing about cavities isn’t that they affect over 90% of adults; it’s that they are so highly preventable with consistently good hygiene and dental care. Despite their destructive nature (cavities are a product of tooth decay, which destroys your tooth structure), they begin as peacefully as plaque accumulating on your teeth. The oral… Read more »

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Do you frequently snore or feel inexplicitly tired during the day? If so, you may be experiencing the common symptoms of a serious sleep disorder. Do you have sleep apnea? Fortunately, patients with his disorder can make simple changes to their daily routine and seek comfortable and noninvasive treatment options.

How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth?

Do you suffer from bruxism? This disorder involves chronic teeth grinding or jaw clenching and can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms. If you have this issue you may be wondering, “How do I stop grinding my teeth?” Fortunately, there is a simple and non-surgical solution to persistent teeth grinding.

How’s Your Daily Flossing Going?

How are your flossing habits? Hopefully you didn’t just respond with, “What flossing habits?” Removing the plaque from between your teeth that your toothbrush inevitably leaves behind is a significant factor in maintaining a truly healthy, clean smile free of oral diseases like gingivitis and tooth decay. You may assume that as long as you’re… Read more »

Tips and Techniques for Teeth Whitening

When it comes to the appearance of your teeth, there are numerous factors they are exposed to on a daily basis that may alter their look, feel, or how they rest in your mouth. Your teeth are the epitome for attention as they are generally one of the first things people notice during a first impression…. Read more »

Quiz: What Causes TMJ Disorder?

In the United States over ten million people suffer from TMJ disorder. What causes TMJ disorder? Also known as TMD, few people understand the causes or the potential warning signs of this oral health issue. Fortunately, the issue can be treated without the use of surgery and with a minimally invasive preventive option.

FAQs: What Happens During a Checkup?

The American Dental Association recommends people undergo regular checkups. Despite being a routine and non-invasive procedure, an exam can help you maintain a healthier smile. In fact, a checkup is one of the key ways a doctor can identify possible problems in the earliest stages. Today, we’re looking at what happens during a checkup.

TMD: True-or-False Quiz

If suffering from daily discomfort in your jaw or surrounding area has simply become a normal part of your life, we encourage you to speak with us about TMD treatment. The longer you ignore the signs of a jaw problem, the greater your chances of experiencing long-term damage that we may otherwise easily prevent with… Read more »

Bruxism Quick Facts

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that they can hear you grinding your teeth? Perhaps you wake up in the morning with some discomfort in your jaw. You may be suffering from a treatable disorder called bruxism, or teeth grinding. While you may think to yourself, “A lot of people grind their teeth, I’m sure… Read more »

Oral Cancer and Screenings: Quick Facts

You probably don’t like thinking about oral cancer, which is exactly why we encourage you to visit us regularly for visual oral cancer tests. When it comes to this progressive disease, we have the capacity to recognize early changes in the lining of your mouth often long before you recognize a change. By allowing us… Read more »