Fillings Can Stop Decay In Its Tracks

We do our best to protect our teeth. We drink lots of water. We try to go easy on the sugary treats. We keep a solid brushing and flossing routine. But we still get cavities. In fact, 92% of adults have dental caries (the scientific term for tooth decay or cavities).  It is important to still try our best to prevent decay from starting at all, but it is just as important to know how to stop it if it does start. Dental fillings stop decay that has started by literally filling in the hole that has been created in a tooth. If the decay is not stopped with a filling, it will bury deeper into the tooth. (more…)

When Is Dental Bonding The Right Choice?

Whether you have damaged, chipped, or cracked teeth or if you have teeth imperfect only in appearance, you have options like porcelain veneers or dental bonding to improve your smile. Dental bonding is when a composite resin is applied to a tooth. The resin is color-matched to the tooth to look natural in color. Dental bonding does have limitations. For more extensive restoration, porcelain veneers are more often used. But bonding can be the more affordable and time-saving solution. When do you know if it is the right choice? (more…)

Dealing With Your Dental Anxiety

If you get anxious thinking about going to the dentist, you are not alone. Many Americans have a genuine fear and anxiety over visiting the dentist. This fear keeps them from maintaining regular check-ups and from getting necessary dental care. Therefore patients with anxiety or dental phobia are at a higher risk for damage to their teeth and gum disease. The longer that someone procrastinates going to the dentist, the more likely that any existing problems will worsen. In fact, the fear that one has waited too long to go is a major part of a patient’s anxiety. So, if you find yourself getting nervous at the thought of a dental appointment, there are some ways to ease your nerves.  (more…)

Why Get Dental Sealants?

The best way to protect your teeth against cavities is to be keep regular with your brushing and flossing routine. But even with vigilant hygiene, decay-causing bacteria can hide in your mouth. The molars in the back of your mouth are particularly susceptible to hiding bacteria and leftover food. Molars have irregular and unique shapes that leave plenty of spots for tooth danger to hide even after a good brushing. A dental sealant is a thin plastic coating applied to a tooth to shield enamel from sneaky bacteria looking for a place to hide. Sealants can be a great last line of defense against decay. (more…)

Memorial Day Weekend Event At Hawaiian Falls

Hawaiian Falls waterpark will offer free admission for members of the military throughout Memorial Day Weekend at its Mansfield, TX location. Hawaiian Falls also has locations throughout Texas in Garland, Pflugerville, the Colony, Roanoke, and Waco.  The park is open from 10:30am to 6:00pm, and this offer will be available on Saturday, May 27th through Monday, May 29th. The free admission is valid for one individual admission for a military member. To get the offer, the military member must show active military identification. Immediate family of the member can get a discounted day pass at $21.99. The new summer season of the park opens on May 27, 2017. Parking is always free at Hawaiian Falls.  (more…)

Taming Your Sweet Tooth

When you have got a sweet tooth, you get a hankering for food and drink containing sugar. Too much sugar consumption can contribute to tooth decay. However, sugar itself does not cause decay of tooth enamel. When the plaque bacteria in your mouth is exposed to sugar, it becomes acid. This acid attacks the enamel of your teeth causing erosion and cavities. Ideally, we would eliminate all sugary food and drink from our diet. But as we live in the real world, we have some tips on how to limit sugar intake and how to protect your mouth from the sugar we do consume.  (more…)

The Importance of Replacing a Missing Tooth

As adults, when we lose a tooth, we do not get the joy and fun of a visit from the tooth fairy. Losing a tooth as an adult can be a very unfun experience. Teeth are lost or extracted for a wide variety of reasons, such as injury, severe damage or cavities, or gum disease. In situations like wisdom teeth extractions, there is no need to replace the tooth. In some cases where the missing tooth is in the front of the mouth, the need to replace feels more important, as a missing tooth can drastically change one’s appearance. But in cases where a tooth is extracted in a less visible location, it is still important to replace the tooth (more…)

Are You Fighting a Bad Breath Battle?

Everyone experiences bad breath at some point in their life. Most of us wake up in the morning with some not-so-fresh morning breath, and many of us have eaten some garlic or onions that sticks with our breath long after the meal. Unfortunately, there are a good number of people who find themselves with bad breath without knowing the cause. Those of us more acquainted with the battle of bad breath find ourselves constantly reaching for the gum or mints in an effort to cover the stink. When covering it up becomes routine, it may be time to pinpoint the cause of the odor. (more…)

A Guide To Picking The Right Toothbrush

Your local supermarket or pharmacy has an entire aisle filled with toothbrush options. There are even plenty of options to buy a toothbrush online. Bristles, soft, hard, organic, nylon, handles, sensors, timers, electronic, manual, oh my! Some toothbrushes claim to help make your teeth whiter or your breath better. The choice can get a little overwhelming. The right toothbrush can make a difference in your oral hygiene: the more you like your toothbrush, the more likely you will brush frequently. Your dentist can help you make the best decision based on your specific needs, but this guide will help inform you on some toothbrush basics.

Family Game Night At The Mansfield Library

The Mansfield Public Library is hosting Family Game Time. Games are provided by the library for you and your family to enjoy. Monopoly, Jenga, Connect4, Hedbanz, Scrabble, Uno, Dominos, Chess, Quickcups, Memory, and Candy Land are some of the games available to play. Board games are a great way to bond for a family. Take some time away from the stress away from the day to day. Families can play together or you and your family can join other families for some games to make new friends. The event is leisurely, so you can come and go at the time that works for you. Attendance is free for everyone. (more…)