Is TMD affecting your life? The condition – a shortened name for temporomandibular joint disorder – can be a source of acute, chronic pain. Those who deal with it can have functional issues, as they can have a harder time operating their jaw to speak, or to eat. You can feel pain in your jaw joints, but the problem can also extend to your face, your neck, and even your head. In fact, many people who experience chronic headaches can have them because of TMD. Your dentist can work with you to relive your TMD issues, so that you can stop enduring frequent discomfort.

Determining The Cause Of Your Jaw Problems

TMD can be the result of several different factors. If you are dealing with a high degree of stress, one of the symptoms can be TMD. You could also have the problem due to arthritis in your jaw joints, or because of an injury. TMD is often linked to bruxism, a habit of grinding your teeth. Bruxism is harmful enough even without accompanying jaw problems, as you can seriously damage your teeth. Your dentist can work with you to find solutions for TMD, which can involve a special oral insert that holds your jaw in a more appropriate position. A special mouth guard can also be developed to help with bruxism.

Other Preventive Services Your Dentist Can Provide

Your dentist is on the lookout for any and all oral problems, not just cavities. At a preventive checkup, you can address a snoring problem with your dentist, who may be able to help. You are also given a visual screening for signs of oral cancer during each visit – early detection and intervention can be vital in fighting this disease.

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