Category: Restorative Dentistry

How Fillings Restore Tooth Strength

The damage that occurs when your tooth develops a cavity is permanent, which means there is not a period of healing where you will regain the lost tissues. What does this mean for the long-term health of your tooth? What can you do to make sure that this issue does not have consequences for you… Read more »

Can An Extracted Tooth Be Replaced?

Through the appropriate dental work, it is often possible to take care of oral health problems while only making minimal changes to your tooth structure. Timing matters when it comes to restorative dentistry—simply put, the longer you wait to do something about a problem, the more likely you are to have complications. Advanced gum disease,… Read more »

Tending To Dental Injuries

Dental injuries need to be properly and promptly treated if you want to avoid potential complications. Fortunately, the right procedure can ensure that you have no complications after harm affects you. At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can recommend both restorative and cosmetic services to patients who have chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged teeth…. Read more »

Will A Root Canal Affect My Smile?

If you have oral health issues that need to be addressed through restorative treatment, will you have to accept unwelcome changes to your smile? At our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office, we can provide treatments with restorations that can both protect teeth and provide cosmetic benefits. This is the case even when we need to provide… Read more »

Dental Work With A Porcelain Crown

Restorative dentistry takes on problems with your oral health that leave your tooth structure in a vulnerable condition. Even when they are caught early, cavities cause permanent harm to your enamel. This kind of issue, along with physical injuries, make the placement of permanent restorations necessary. The good news is that your care can address… Read more »

Using A Lifelike Filling During Treatment

There are several benefits to maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. With that said, cavity prevention should stay a high priority for you when you think about the reasons to take good care of your smile. When a cavity forms, it does irreversible harm to your tooth structure. Because the portion of your enamel affected… Read more »

Making Sure Your Crown Protects Your Tooth

A dental crown needs to support you in several ways. It needs to provide long-term support, as a tooth is not able to naturally heal from a cavity or dental injury that makes restorative work necessary. It should also support your bite health, which means it needs to be both stable and secure. For dental… Read more »

Where Root Canals Fit Into Cavity Treatment

When you find out from your dentist that you need cavity treatment, should you assume that you need to be prepared to undergo a root canal? This is not the case every time someone has a problem with dental decay. In fact, one benefit to scheduling regular dental exams is that you can find out… Read more »

Our Fillings Can Match Your Enamel

If the time comes where you need to schedule a cavity treatment, you may have some concerns about what your procedure will involve. How will you know that your tooth is fully protected? How can you prevent new problems with your tooth? If the treatment is successful, will it hurt your appearance? At our Mansfield,… Read more »

How Dental Implants Restore Bite Strength

It can be hard to ignore the impact of tooth loss on your daily life. Unfortunately, until you have the problem treated, it can be hard to avoid the complications from this problem. Without your complete smile, you can have less confidence in your appearance, and you can also experience difficulties with biting and chewing… Read more »