Mansfield, TX, dentist offers root canals

In our last blog, we discussed how to prepare for a tooth extraction. Luckily, this procedure is usually a last resort for patients with a tooth damaged beyond repair. If you have a severely decayed tooth, there is an alternative. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, Dental Associates are here to explain when a root canal is necessary.

Why We Use Fillings To Treat Cavities

Cavities happen in stages. First, the acids from plaque buildup will begin dissolving your enamel. If caught in this stage, the cavity may be reversed before a hole is formed. Early detection of cavities happens during biannual checkups, which is why these visits are important. If decay is seen in the beginning stages, proper oral hygiene and other preventive measures can be taken to stop the development of a cavity. However, if a hole has begun to form, a filling can be used to treat it. We use biocompatible composite resin to fill cavities because this material blends in with your smile and protects the tooth from further decay. If a cavity continues to progress, the decay will wear down the dentin and enter the pulp. At this stage, a root canal will be necessary.

The Process Of A Root Canal

This restoration often is negatively associated with discomfort or pain. The pulp of the tooth is a sensitive area because it contains tissues and nerves. If the decay has reached this layer, you may experience difficulty eating, sensitivity to certain foods, swelling, and more.

Before the procedure, you may be numbed for your comfort. Then, the dentist will remove the decayed pulp using a special drill. The area will be clean and filled. Lastly, a dental crown will be placed. These additional steps allow your tooth to withstand pressure from chewing and speaking and protect it from bacteria entering the area again. After this treatment, you may need someone to drive you home while you wait for the effects of anesthesia to wear off.

What Happens If You Do Not Have A Root Canal Done

This therapy is used to relieve discomfort caused by deep decay. If you do not have this done promptly, the cavity will continue to grow. You will be at a higher risk of infection, which can also enter the body. There is also a chance of the entire tooth coming out and having bone loss in other areas of your mouth as well. This can make it difficult to chew, speak, and smile. If a root canal has been recommended, you should not put off this service.

Schedule An Appointment Today

To schedule a root canal or other service, call Mansfield Dental today by calling 817-473-6227. This restorative treatment can save you from more invasive treatments later.