Having a wide range of options for addressing your tooth problems means that you have a much better chance of saving your tooth if it becomes seriously compromised. However, that doesn’t mean that every tooth can be saved no matter what afflicts it. At our Mansfield, TX, dental office, we only suggest extracting a tooth when it’s the best option for preserving the rest of your healthy, natural smile. If it is necessary, we’ll also ensure you know all there is to know about what you can expect, and how the treatment will preserve your smile.

You don’t want to wait much longer

There are many different potential reasons to extract a tooth, depending on the unique state of your oral health. However, all reasons share one thing in common – time is of the essence. Extracting a tooth means losing the tooth, which can have a direct impact on the rest of your smile. Therefore, it’s only recommended when there are no other solutions for saving the tooth. For example, if a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, or another tooth becomes severely infected or decayed, then extraction might be the only option.

Your options are limited at this point

For most dental health issues, you may have several different options for restoring your tooth. For example, tooth decay can often be addressed with a tooth filling before it becomes too severe, or with root canal therapy if the infection is more extensive. A damaged tooth might be repaired with a custom-designed dental crown to stop it from becoming weaker and more damaged. However, if your tooth’s condition is too severe for restorative treatment, then the next best thing is to extract the tooth and replace it with a lifelike prosthetic.

It can be a new start for your smile

When a severely compromised tooth remains in your mouth too long, it can have a negative impact on several aspects of your oral health. After extracting the tooth, the threat will be removed, and we can successfully restore your smile and bite by replacing it. For instance, with a dental implant, we can reestablish your smile’s appearance and your bite function, as well as the stimulation of the tooth root that was extracted from your jawbone.

Learn if you can benefit from tooth extraction

If it’s time to extract a tooth, then removing it (and possibly replacing it) as soon as possible is the best thing for your smile. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling our dentist’s office in Mansfield, TX, today at 817-473-6227.