Do you or a member of your family suffer from dental anxiety? This means nervousness or even fear about visiting the dentist for treatment, even for procedures as minor as dental cleanings. In order to help our Mansfield, TX, patients enjoy a comfortable and relaxing experience, even if they have anxiety, we may offer sedation dentistry.

Dental Anxiety and Oral Health                                        

Studies show that between 8% and 15% of the population suffer from some form of dental anxiety. Without routine care, such as checkup and cleanings, then minor oral issues such as cavities or gum inflammation could lead to infected teeth, gum disease, and even a greater risk of tooth loss. Dental fears can easily lead to poor oral health and major complications. If you feel anxious about the dentist, remember that in addition to the sedation we’ll be discussing in today’s blog, we also take time to carefully explain procedures, answer questions, and offer each patient individual treatment and a personalized treatment plan. We strive to ensure you feel comfortable, and receive the care necessary to enjoy optimal oral health.

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly know as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is administered through a mask over the nose. The gas helps people enter a calm, relaxed state. Patients remain conscious and able to respond to the dentist, but will have little to no memory of the procedure. Once the procedure ends, the effects will wear off almost immediately, which means you have the ability to drive yourself home or even return to work or school. We may offer this option for patients of all ages!

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation offers a much deeper form of relaxation. We administer an anti-anxiety medication prior to the procedure. The patient enters a deep state of calm, with little or no memory of the treatment afterward. However, you will still be conscious and able to respond to the dentist’s instructions. Once the procedure ends, it’s common for people to remain a bit groggy as the effects take time to wear off. You should arrange for a friend or possibly a family member to bring you home. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until the effects completely wear off. If you have any questions about either of our sedation options, or if you think these options will help you undergo routine care, then contact our team today. We want to help people in our community enjoy beautiful smiles and optimal oral health, even if they’ve avoided care in the past due to a fear of the dentist!

Do You Have Questions About Sedation?

Don’t let dental anxiety or fears about the dentist keep you from enjoy optimal oral health. To learn more about our calming solutions, schedule a consultation by calling our dentist’s office in Mansfield, TX, today at 817-473-6227.