Your oral health faces multiple threats, which is why your dentist looks for a range of problems every time you go in for a general dental checkup. Many people think of their dentist as being primarily after any signs of tooth decay. While cavity treatment plays a vital part in sustaining your dental condition, there are other issues that can cause trouble. Bruxism can threaten the physical integrity of your teeth – the condition can cause you to grind them with enough force to create chips and cracks. There are also threats to your oral health that are not specific to your teeth. The health of your gums and soft tissue within your mouth also receive attention.

Spotting Tooth Decay At The Early Stages

Many restorative dental practices primarily concern cavity treatment. When your dentist spots a developing cavity during a routine appointment, there is a better chance that the cavity in question is still small enough to be restored with a filling. Early cavity treatment can stop a problem before the necessary solution is a root canal.

Dental Damage Could Be Evidence Of Bruxism

An unusual degree of damage on your teeth – think teeth that are worn down, or have small chips – could be a sign that you are dealing with bruxism. Because the habit of grinding your teeth can lead to serious issues, your dentist can intervene by providing you with a special protective mouth guard.

A Visual Check For Oral Cancer During Every Appointment

Oral cancer is a potentially deadly condition, and early detection heavily influences your chances for a successful treatment. Your dentist will do a visual inspection for worrisome signs at each appointment.