While beverages like soft drinks, coffee, and tea can be fine in moderation, these drinks can have detrimental effects on your teeth. Darker drinks can stain your enamel, and acidic beverages – like sodas – can leave you more vulnerable to cavities. Water can help clear away accumulating bacteria and food debris in your mouth. Drinking more water can also help you produce saliva, which can help keep your mouth clean. By choosing water over flavored beverages, you can reduce the likelihood that you will need treatment for an ailing tooth, and reduce your risk for tooth discoloration.

Water Can Support Cavity Defense

Because soft drinks are both acidic and high in sugar, they present a serious risk for your teeth. The acidity of the beverage can weaken your enamel, which leaves it more susceptible to developing problems like stains and cavities. The sugar in the drink also stimulates the bacteria in your mouth to secrete acids, which can lead to the formation of cavities. By choosing water, you avoid the oral health risks associated with sodas. Tap water can often contain fluoride, which strengthens enamel.

How Dark Beverages Can Affect The Look Of Your Teeth

Chromogens, the color pigments that give dark beverages their color, can stick to your enamel. An accumulation of stains can dull the color of your teeth, and may require a professional teeth whitening to remedy. Darker beverages like coffee, red wine, and tea can also discolor porcelain veneers. Acidic beverages can also contribute to discoloration by weakening your enamel, which makes it easier for chromogens to stick to your teeth.