Undergoing tooth bonding means taking on problems with the shape, size, and color of teeth that are currently not serving your smile well. Whether you have select improvements you want to make or broader concerns about your appearance, this can provide an attractive and conservative option for care. Our Mansfield, TX dentist’s office is happy to discuss this cosmetic service with you, but remember that it is one of several that can make you feel more confident in your appearance! We can help you determine if bonding is the right treatment option for you, or if you should look into something else to make your desired changes.
How Does Tooth Bonding Treatment Help You Change Your Appearance?
When you look at your different options for cosmetic dental work, there are several reasons why a tooth bonding procedure might stand out. One is that it is a surprisingly conservative form of care, as it does not require the use of a permanent restoration. Instead, we use a composite material to correct issues with the shape, size, and color of your teeth. You can also appreciate the convenience of this approach, which often delivers desired results in as little as one visit.
Planning Your Procedure To Improve Your Appearance
Your tooth bonding procedure will move forward when we determine how we can properly make the changes that interest you. Through this corrective work, we can modify teeth to improve their shape, size, and color in as little as one appointment. The process relies on a composite substance that permanently adheres to your enamel to create a lasting, dependable hold. Once applied, this substance can cover any issues that have drawn unwanted attention to your smile, and it can be counted on to remain in place for many years.
Discussing Your Other Options For Smile Care
You have more than one option when it comes to cosmetic treatment. You can choose to have porcelain veneers put in place to change the way you look. Veneers do require more preparatory work, but they can deliver the changes you want while offering more durability than a bonding procedure. We can also help you if your goal is to make your teeth whiter, as we can recommend care to directly address enamel stains.
Talk To Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About Treatment To Improve Your Smile!
Through the right cosmetic procedure, you can take on problems with your smile you feel draw the wrong kind of attention. One conservative option for care is tooth bonding treatment, a form of smile support that corrects issues with tooth shape, size, and color without requiring permanent restorations. We can provide this as well as other services to help you show off a more attractive and confident appearance. If you would like to learn more, call Mansfield Dental Associates at 817-473-6227!
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