biannual cleaning mansfield txMost people need to see the dentist twice each year for a diligent cleaning of the surface of their teeth, imagery, and a visual examination of the structures of the mouth. This means that if you have not been into the office for a visit yet this year, it is time for your biannual cleaning and checkup with a trusted local dental provider. We understand that time can get the best of us all, so we are here to remind you that focusing on your dental maintenance is an important part of your oral health.

With our team of dental professionals at Mansfield Dental Associates, you have the opportunity to make your way back to a positive pathway through consistent preventive care. Your biannual cleanings and checkups are crucial to achieving smile success, so if you have been putting them off, now is your chance to make a change. To find out more about the benefits of your dental examinations and cleanings, give us a call today; while you’re with us, schedule your next appointment!

While You Wait, Plaque And Tartar Can Pile Up

In between your visits to the dentist for cleanings and examinations, the responsibility for maintaining your smile falls squarely on your shoulders. While we are sure that you are making the effort in brushing and flossing, spending the right amount of time every morning and night, there may be areas where you are falling short.

Even with the best hygiene routine, you still need some extra help from a professional from time to time to remove bacterial buildup of plaque and tartar. This accumulation starts off as plaque, which you can brush off, but once it calcifies into tartar, you need the help of a dentist or a dental hygienist to safely remove it. At your biannual cleaning and examination, you will receive a thorough cleaning of your teeth and along your gumline to help you stay safe from tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Ask All of Your Oral Health Questions At Your Appointment

While you are in the dental office for your next biannual cleaning and checkup, this is your opportunity to learn a little more about your smile. This makes it a great opportunity to ask all of your questions related to your oral health. If you have been thinking about cosmetic teeth whitening or porcelain veneers, your checkup is a solid place to start.

Schedule Your Next Biannual Cleaning And Checkup In Mansfield!

Are you ready to protect your smile with consistent checkups? To schedule your next biannual cleaning, imagery, and examination, give us a call today at Mansfield Dental today at 817-473-6227. If you set your time soon, you still have time for a second checkup before the end of the year!