mansfield dental exam

A dental exam is recommended by the American Dental Association every few months, so dentists can monitor smiles and identify any areas of concern. We then provide treatment to address these issues, protecting your smile from poor oral health. In today’s blog, your Mansfield, TX, dentist talks about the importance of a dental checkup!

When to See Our Team

We agree with the American Dental Association, and urge our patients to see us every six months for a checkup visit. These should start for kids at around age two. Serious oral health issues don’t form overnight, but catching them in the early stages means a faster recovery time and people avoiding serious complications. Which is why checking in twice a year is recommended, so we can identify issues for adults and kids alike when they first begin, often before painful symptoms are experienced. If you haven’t had one recently, then consider scheduling a summer visit with our team, so you can enjoy these warm months with your best possible smile!

What Our Exams Look For

Our team exams will involve the use of digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, which uses 90% less radiation, don’t require biting down on uncomfortable bitewings, and providing images instantly chairside, reducing your time in the office. We can use them to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. For adults, we will look for cavities, gingivitis and gum disease, infections, and screen for oral cancer. We also watch for issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). For kids, we also watch for cavities and gingivitis, and want to make sure baby teeth fall out when they should and that permanent ones can erupt unimpeded. Our team will create a detailed treatment plan, one personalized to you or your family member’s smile, to improve their oral health.

Dental Cleanings

The dental cleaning process is completed in the same visit to help protect the health of the smile. The cleaning does what brushing and flossing alone cannot: removes all plaque and tartar buildup. By doing so, we help lower the risk of cavities and gum disease, as well as bad breath and teeth stains. The process only takes a few minutes too. This is helpful for kids and adults alike!

If you have any questions about our checkups, or if you would like to schedule one for you or a member of your family, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About Preventive Dentistry

With regular visits every six months, we can help keep your smiles strong with preventive dentistry. If you would like to find out more about our preventive treatment options, reach out to Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX today at (817)473-6227!