There are different reasons people feel a lack of confidence in their appearance when they smile. For people who have issues with poor teeth spacing, it can be frustrating to think that the only treatment option involves metal braces that have to be permanently set in place on teeth. These appliances can prove effective, but it can be worrying to think that you will have to rely on something conspicuous and fixed in place. What you explore as an alternative is treatment with clear aligners. Your Mansfield, TX dentist’s office is prepared to discuss this service with you so that you can understand what to expect from your appliances as well as what they can do for your smile!

Are You Interested In What Clear Aligners Can Do For Your Appearance?

If you are interested in correcting your smile because you have issues with gaps and overlaps between teeth, an adjustment with clear aligners can be beneficial. Many people with different degrees of malocclusion can find that they qualify for this service. Those who move forward with clear aligners can rely on a set custom-made to gradually correct their smile so that it provides a more uniform look and resolves issues with gaps, overlaps, and other conspicuous flaws.

Beginning Your Treatment With Aligners

Your treatment to straighten your smile will begin after an evaluation of your teeth and oral structures. That evaluation provides the necessary information to produce personalized appliances that can move your teeth into their appropriate spaces. Each one will be worn for a set length of time, and every new appliance you begin wearing will take you a step closer to your ideal smile. While you should keep them in place throughout each day to remain on track with treatment, you are free to take off aligners whenever you eat or clean your teeth.

We Can Answer Your Questions About Services That Can Improve Your Smile

Because there are different priorities people have when they want cosmetic dental work, and because there are different services we offer, we can provide information to help you select the right approach to care. A procedure that relies on porcelain veneers to make changes can help you enjoy a more symmetrical smile by correcting flaws with spacing and tooth size. These restorations can also help with discoloration and worries over dental damage. We can help you understand the benefits to choosing this service, clear aligners, or another beneficial treatment.

Talk To Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About The Appeal Of Clear Aligners

With clear aligners, you can take on problems with your smile that have made you self-conscious about the way you look. If you would like to learn more about this or any other service, reach out to Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX today at 817-473-6227!