If you are bothered by the way discoloration has altered your smile, a professional whitening treatment can provide a big boost to your appearance, and your confidence. If you are looking for reasons your teeth are not as white as they used to be, there are plenty of possible culprits. A fondness for dark liquids, like coffee, tea, or soft drinks, can leave your enamel affected by stains. Tobacco products, in addition to being a real oral health risk, can also have a negative cosmetic effect. If you want to whiten your teeth, let your dentist know. They can talk to you about professional treatment, or let you know if you would be better off using an alternative cosmetic dental procedure to improve your smile.

Choosing Professional Whitening Treatment Over Store-Bought Whiteners

Professional whitening treatments use bleaching gels to wipe out frustrating discoloration. The whitening agents used in the treatment can attack stains that are settled in deeper levels of your enamel. That means enjoying more dramatic results than you would have from store-bought products. You can actually enjoy professional whitening results at home – you can receive the necessary tools from your dentist to have professional results after two or three weeks. In-office whitening treatments are also offered.

Relying On Different Cosmetic Treatments To Gain Whiter Teeth

Some people will use an alternative to teeth whitening because they want to address more than just discoloration. Porcelain veneers can cover up wear and tear, misshapen teeth, and even dental damage. They are also useful when you have what is referred to as intrinsic discoloration, which is discoloration from internal problems. Intrinsic discoloration can persist even when professional whitening gels are used.