Oral cancer is an insidious disease that is more treatable and less dangerous if caught in earlier stages. At every check up and cleaning at your Mansfield dentists’ office, Dr. Jones and Dr. Harris will screen for oral cancer. An oral cancer screening begins with a discussion of any concerns or symptoms you may be experiencing. Inform your dentists of any chronic throat pain, a change in your voice, or any other changes in your oral health. Your dentists will then examine all areas of your mouth, jaw, and neck. In today’s blog Dr. Jones and Dr. Harris detail the signs of oral cancer and the importance of regular oral cancer screenings.

Signs of Oral or Throat Cancer

  • Red or white patches in the mouth
  • A lump, rough spot, or thickening in the mouth
  • A persistent sore that has not resolved
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together
  • Discomfort or numbness in the mouth or lips
  • Problems with swallowing, chewing, talking, or moving your tongue or jaw

Oral Cancer Facts

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, each day roughly one person per hour loses their battle with oral or throat cancer in the United States. The death rate for oral cancer is surprisingly higher than Hodgkin’s lymphoma, thyroid cancer, skin cancer, and cervical cancer. Sadly this rate has not changed in many years.

Schedule your Mansfield Cleaning

Oral cancer is typically not found until later stages after it has metastasized and moved to another location. It commonly spreads to the lymph nodes in the neck before it is discovered. If oral cancer is caught when it is still confined to the oral cavity, it is more treatable. That is why Dr. Harris and Dr. Jones meticulously screen for oral cancer each time you attend a check up or cleaning.

About your Mansfield Dentists

Mansfield Dental Associates rely upon their years of experience, training, and cutting-edge technology to offer patients expert dental care at each and every visit. They listen to each patient’s concerns and offer gentle, informative guidance about future treatments. If you would like to schedule a consultation, call (817) 473-6227. Dr. Jones and Dr. Harris proudly treat patients from Mansfield, South Arlington, Kennedale, Southeast Ft. Worth, Alvarado, Midlothian and neighboring areas.