What makes avoid teeth stains so difficult for so many people? Some individuals have naturally softer enamel and are more likely to have particles from foods and drinks stick and cause problems for them. Many of us, even those who are concerned and already trying to avoid stains, can have a tough time avoiding all of the different products that are able to leave them. At our Mansfield, TX dental office, we can recommend an effective solution for this problem. A professional teeth whitening treatment takes on discoloration more effectively than store bought solutions, as we can offer more potent bleaching agents that are able to safely brighten your smile by many shades! You can choose to come in for a single-visit whitening procedure or take home a personalized kit that can deliver results at your convenience.

Are You Really Able To Brighten Teeth Affected By Tough Enamel Stains?

If you have already tried to deal with discoloration on your own, you can feel worried about the resilience of enamel stains. The particles left behind by different beverages and foods can be tough to deal with by yourself, as store bought whitening agents can fail to treat stubborn discoloration. Another reason you have failed to see results is that you could need help with something other than stains. A problem within the tooth structure can dull your smile and make it look less attractive. Cosmetic dentistry can help with intrinsic discoloration, but it can take something other than a whitening treatment to produce the changes that you want.

Planning Your Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

A professional whitening treatment can come in the form of a kit that you take home and use on your schedule or a single-visit treatment that you can enjoy at our office. An office treatment can offer convenient care and the direct help of your dentist to fight tough stains. With your take-home kit, you can enjoy a more convenient solution, one that lets you perform care on your schedule. In addition to the potent bleaching agents you will need to see results, we provide personalized trays that aid you in the application process. Before we recommend either of these options, we can check to see if you should move forward with a different cosmetic service, such as the placement of porcelain veneers, in order to address issues with intrinsic discoloration.

Talk To Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About Your Concerns About Teeth Stains

Problems with teeth stains can be tough for you to treat on your own. Unfortunately, they can also be hard for others to ignore. With treatment options that include care with advanced whitening agents, our practice is here to help patients resolve problems that have robbed them of confidence. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you take on discoloration and other issues, reach out to Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX today at 817-473-6227!