Mansfield, TX, dentist offers dental crowns

The team at Mansfield Dental in Mansfield, TX, has several restorative options if your teeth have been damaged from decay or injuries. A simple dental filling could help stop a cavity from worsening, or dental implants can be used to replace your missing pearly whites. If you have damaged a tooth, we may be able to repair and protect it with the help of a dental crown. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about how this treatment option could help you.

When You May Need A Crown

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that can cover a damaged dental structure. These have a wide range of purposes and may be used if you have injured your tooth or have had other restorative work done. Your dentist may recommend placing a cap over your teeth that have been worn down due to bruxism. When you chronically grind your teeth, they can become worn down and may break easily. After getting this condition under control with an oral appliance, restorative work can be done to renew your damaged teeth. Caps may also be placed on the supporting teeth before getting a dental bridge. They are added over the adjacent teeth to help keep the bridge fixed in place. They may also be added after a root canal has been done to restrengthen the area.

What To Expect During This Process

First, your dentist will need to examine the area and approve you for a crown. Your tooth may be prepared for this restoration by removing any decay and slightly reshaping it. Then, an impression is taken of the area and sent to a lab to create it. When it is ready, it will be secured in place over your tooth. Your dentist will check to make sure that it fits properly and does not affect your bite. Adjustments can be made before bonding the cap in place.

How Long Your Restoration Can Last

Dental crowns can be made of materials such as porcelain, zirconia, and metal. The material used will depend on where the cap will be added and what your personal needs are. In most cases, your restoration can last more than five years with the proper maintenance. The goal for this treatment is to restore your pearly whites that may be sensitive or worn down. In addition to restoring these weakened areas, they can also help improve the appearance of your smile, and your ability to chew food.

Ask Our Team About This Restoration!’

If you have a sensitive, weak, or worn down teeth, a dental crown may help protect and restore it. To learn more about crowns or other restorations, call the team at Mansfield Dental in Mansfield, TX, today at 817-473-6227.