damaged your smile? talk to our team about how to renew your smile with a dental crown mansfield txCracking or breaking a tooth can take you by surprise, and in these instances, it is important to know where to turn. If you wait to speak with someone, your smile could start to deteriorate due to a bacterial infection; your dentist can help you to understand what has happened, as well as your options in treatment. Once a break has happened, you need the help of a trusted dental professional, so call your provider and ask about ways to renew your smile after experiencing dental damage.

With our team at Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, you have an office that is ready to help you reinvigorate your smile with restoration. For those with cracked or broken teeth, this can mean the placement of a durable new dental crown, and we have options that can blend in with the shade of your natural enamel. Making an appointment for an examination is your first step, so when it is time to talk about teeth, give us a call to schedule a discussion!

Time Is Of The Essence When You Break A Tooth

Your natural enamel normally plays a pivotal role in your smile’s ability to protect itself. Even though it is the hardest material in your body, it is not impervious to damage, and when this does, it puts your smile at risk. The underlying tissue (dentin) is softer and more porous, allowing bacteria to travel through it, causing harm as it happens.

When a bacterial infection reaches the soft, fleshy pulp at the center of the tooth, it becomes an even bigger concern. This can affect the nerve inside the tooth, causing significant pain that will not go away. If this infection is allowed to continue, it can even spread into the bone tissue of the jaw or into the bloodstream. A broken tooth is a serious condition, so talk to your oral health team about treatment quickly after you experience a problem.

A Durable Dental Crown Works To Restore Smile Function

Since we cannot regrow our natural enamel, you need the help of a talented restorative dentist to help you renew your smile after breaking a tooth. Starting with an examination of your affected tooth, they can tell you what exactly is happening. They can also help you to understand your next steps, and that may include a root canal treatment procedure. Be sure to ask about your possibilities in dental crown material, as well!

Renew Your Smile With Mansfield Dental Associated

If you have cracked or broken one or more of your teeth, talk to our team about treatment. To find out more about how restorative dentistry can help you renew your smile after an injury or tooth decay, call Mansfield Dental Associates in Mansfield, TX, today at 817-473-6227.