It takes time for a cavity to form on your tooth. The attacks to your enamel come from oral bacteria, which release acids as part of how they digest foods (they feed on the sugars in your diet). When enough of those attacks occur, a cavity will form in your enamel. While you have some natural ability to recover from this sort of dental damage, you will need restorative dental work to fix a cavity. The process needed to restore a tooth with a cavity will depend on the cavity itself. The size and spread of decay, and the possibility that the interior of your tooth is affected, will determine how your dentist needs to act.

The Size Of A Cavity Affects How You Will Be Treated

Up to a certain size, a cavity can be treated with a dental filling. This means your dentist will remove the infected part of your tooth, then replace what was taken with the composite resin filling. However, this material is not strong enough to make a suitable restoration if the cavity is too large. Larger cavities will make it necessary for your dentist to prepare the tooth for a dental crown.

What It Means When A Cavity Becomes Painful

You can have a cavity on your tooth before it starts to hurt. The pain and sensitivity come from problems with the living tissue in your tooth’s pulp. If your cavity has reached your pulp, treatment is important, as it has the potential to eventually kill your tooth. What your dentist can do here is perform a root canal to remove the infection. A dental crown will be needed after this treatment.