While we want you to visit us anytime you have a dental need, we recommend that everyone schedule a visit at least twice a year for regular exams and cleanings. This helps us maintain your oral health and address any dental issues that may show up between appointments. By being proactive in your oral health, together we can help reduce tooth decay risk and keep your smile shining brightly.
What to Expect During a Dental Exam and Cleaning
When you visit us for a dental exam and cleaning, we’ll begin by thoroughly inspecting your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues. We’ll be looking for things like tooth decay, signs of gum disease, and other dental issues. Once we complete the exam, we’ll gently and thoroughly clean your teeth and remove any plaque or tartar buildup we see.
Oral Cancer Screening
We also perform an oral cancer screening as part of your dental exam. This is a visual inspection. We will look for any bumps, lesions, or ulcers in your mouth. Please let us know if you have been experiencing any changes in your voice, chronic throat pain, earaches, dramatic weight loss, or any other changes in your oral health so we can address those issues.
Schedule a Dental Exam and Cleaning with Us!
Regular dental exams and cleanings can help maintain good oral health and your smile. To schedule an appointment or to find out more about how we can help you maintain healthy teeth, please contact us by calling 817-473-6227.