Dental implants may be relatively new to the world of restorative dentistry, but they are already popular enough that most people recognize what they are. Still, not everyone understands their importance, or their benefit, when it comes to replacing lost teeth. Unlike traditional dental prostheses, dental implants have the ability to replace the roots of your lost teeth, thereby providing unmatched support for the replacement teeth attached to them. To help you better understand how such support can impact your oral health, we offer a brief guide to dental implants and how, exactly, they can rebuild your smile.

About Dental Implants

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a small post, usually crafted from biocompatible titanium, that is designed to mimic a natural tooth root. When the post is surgically inserted into the jawbone, the jawbone accepts the post as genuine, and fuses to the implant’s surface. Once the jawbone has healed, the post will serve as support for an appropriate dental prosthesis, such as a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

Why does replacing a tooth root matter?

Conventional dentures typically rely on the natural curve of your dental ridge, and sometimes the help of adhesives, to remain in place. Dental bridges rely on the healthy teeth nearby for support. By contrast, implants support replacement teeth the way roots support your natural teeth, which not only provides unmatched support, but also reestablishes stimulation in your jawbone. This stimulation helps keep your jawbone strong and healthy, reducing the risks of losing more teeth in the future.

Is caring for dental implants difficult?

One of the long-term benefits of dental implants is how simple it is to take care of them. Be sure to brush and floss the implant restoration along with your teeth at least twice a day, and to attend every dental checkup that your dentist recommends.